Sunday, December 12, 2004

December 13, 2004

Life can be very interesting. A lot of you were here yesterday morning at 10:30 mass for the anointing of the sick. In fact, a lot of you received the sacrament. It’s a beautiful thing. Through the actions of the priest, the words he says and the sacred oil of chrism, you’re given the strength of the Holy Spirit to help your body overcome illness. What a great gift! Christ told the Apostles that he would send an advocate, the Holy Spirit to be with us and this is one of the ways in which He works.

Right after mass yesterday, Deacon Mike baptized Mary Turner’s granddaughter. Her family and friends were here in church to witness another action of the Holy Spirit, this time working through Deacon Mike. The Spirit will protect that little girl, in the same way that He will protect those who were anointed yesterday. He’s with us from the time we’re born until we die, if we want Him to be.

We’re now into the third week of Advent. The end is in sight. In just 12 days, we will celebrate the greatest event in the history of the earth, God’s coming to earth as a little baby to save us from our sins. God loves us so much that He was willing to that. How amazing is that?

And all we have to do to benefit from God’s generosity is to cooperate with it. He protects us through the sacraments of baptism and confirmation.. He shares Himself with us in the Eucharist. He will forgive our sins through the sacrament of reconciliation, if we just ask him to. He strengthens us in illness though the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. He joins us in marriage.
And in less than two weeks, He will give us the greatest gift of all, His only Son, born of a virgin in a stable a long time ago in a far away place. But He’s still with us, just as He promised He would be, on the altar right here at St. Bernadette.

Please stand and we’ll ask Him for the things we need.


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