Welcome to the World, Isabella Josephine Buckley

This week I witnessed a miracle, the birth of my first granddaughter, Isabella Josephine Buckley. I didn't actually witness the birth, but I was there, in the waiting room. I've been in enough delivery rooms, thank you very much. I don't need to see every gory detail.
But, I did need to be there. Anyone who doubts the existence of God can't possibly have ever seen a tiny human being, just minutes old. They're so small and so helpless. And this marvel of human life is the result of a man and a woman loving one another! It's the only miracle that God actually lets us help create.
Oh, I know that doctors perform miracles in the operating room. Engineers do miraculous things with steel and concrete. But, when two people come together with no tools, no instruments, just themselves and their love for one another and create the wonder of a new human being, that's a REAL miracle.
Jesus knew that birth was what made us human and so he chose to be born one of us.

And, of course I've been giving a lot of thought to how I'll be as a grandfather. She's so tiny. And, I'm getting older. With my own kids, I never gave a thought to my own mortality. It just wasn't an issue. But, now I wonder how much of her life will I be around for? Will I be able to keep up with her? Will she want me to? It's all very sobering.
Mike Jr. is the only one of our four children who's married. Will I be around to see the other three get married? Will I see their children? All four of my grandparents died before I was born.
But, for now at least, none of that's very important. All I know is that God has blessed all of us with a new member of the family. She's truly a gift.

How on earth anyone could possibly see a tiny human being like Isabella and think that abortion is OK is beyond my comprehension. There are so many couples who aren't able to have children of their own. How selfish it is to deny them the joy of having a baby in their lives, especially a baby that's not wanted by his or her natural parents. For a few months of discomfort and inconvenience, a birth mom can give three lifetimes of joy and happiness.
But, I'm getting too serious. What a great week this has been! Isabella and her mother are probably on their way home just about now. I hope that the other relatives will be smart enough to leave this new little family alone tonight. They need to get used to one another on their "home turf". There will be plenty of time to visit and to spoil. Experienced grandparents have been telling me for months how much fun it is to spoil a child and then go home and let the parents deal with it. I know our kids grandparents seemed to enjoy that a lot.
Welcome to the world, Isabella. Have a bright future and a long, happy life. May the Lord bless you and keep you.

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