Pre Thanksgiving, 2003
Thanksgiving isn’t a capital H holy day, but it is definitely a holy day. At least, that’s what it’s supposed to be. Unfortunately, for a lot of people it’s just a day off from work to watch football, eat or even shop.
For those of us who do remember what the day is for and actually plan to spend at least part of it being thankful, maybe it’s just as well that so many people have forgotten the real meaning of the day. If the news media, and some of our judges stop and think that it’s a day for giving thanks to God for all the blessings we’ve received, they’ll start trying to do away with it. Or change the name to something more politically correct, like Big Shopping Day Eve.
When I visit patients at St. Joseph’s Hospital, it’s surprising how many people tell me that they believe in God, but they don’t need to go to church to pray. Even though I once felt that way myself, I’m still surprised to find out that there are so many people who feel that way. And, it’s sad. Maybe you don’t need to go to a building to pray, but there’s certainly more to this place than just a place to pray.
For one thing, we have the sacraments. And, for the most part, the only place to receive them is in church. There are some exceptions, but the church is normally the place where you receive most of the sacraments. You may be anointed in a hospital, or baptized there in an emergency. And, once in a while a mass will be held in a special place, like when the Pope was in St. Louis, and the only place large enough was the Dome. But church is church, and this is where church happens.
In a few minutes, we’ll expose the Blessed Sacrament and have the incredible opportunity to worship the Real Presence of Christ. I wish we could do it more than once a month, but we should all be thankful that we have Adoration at all. A lot of parishes don’t.
The other thing you find here, and nowhere else, is the community of believers. Your fellow Christians who come together to worship God and to support one another.
It’s especially sad when someone’s in the hospital and doesn’t have the support of a church family. Scientists have proven that people who are prayed for get well more quickly than those who aren’t. And it’s not all in their heads, because it’s true even when the person being prayed for doesn’t know it. Without a church, you don’t have that support.
Personally, I have a lot to be thankful for. My family is first. But, right at the top of the list is this parish community. I think every one of us has been in a situation at one time or another when we needed prayers. And this parish always comes through. Not only with prayers, but with more worldy help, like food for families suffering illness or a loss. This is a very special group of people and I thank God every day that I am fortunate enough to be here.
When things need to be done here, someone always steps up. Take Eucharistic Adoration. When Archbishop Rigali asked parishes to renew this wonderful devotion, Harold and Mary Ellen Maurer were right there. They spent a lot of time and effort getting it started and keeping it going. Just one example of the character of our parish. I could go on for a long, long time with examples of generosity and faith. But, I know you have other things to do this morning.
In the first reading today, Nebuchadnezzar dreamed that a large stone becme a mountain. That mountain represented the Kingdom of God. On Thursday, let’s all take time to give thanks that we are a part of that Kingdom and to pray for those who aren’t.
There’s nothing wrong with enjoying a nice meal with our families and friends, or even in watching a little football on television. I plan to spend a good part of my day doing exactly that. But, we should take time to remember the real reason for the holiday, and to thank God for all the blessings in our lives. After all, we don’t want Thanksgiving to end up locked away in a storage room like the Ten Commandments.