Monday, September 29, 2003

Training Wheels

Do you remember the last time you taught someone to ride a bicycle? First, you get a bike with training wheels. Then, you walk along side to make sure nothing goes wrong. Gradually, you move farther and farther away as the new rider gains confidence.

Then you let them go off on their own. But, the training wheels are still on so nothing too bad is going to happen. What the young rider may not realize is that they're balancing on their own and the training wheels aren't even touching the ground. Eventually, the training wheels come off and they're riding. They've made the transition from tricycle to bicycle without a scratch.

In today's Gospel, Jesus is preparing the Apostles for the time when they will be on their own. He is sharing His power and authority with them while He is still around to catch them if they fall. He sends them out with nothing but the Word and the power to heal.

"Take nothing for the journey", he tells them. Don't try to impress anyone with your possessions. Impress them with your speech and your ability to cast out demons.

He tells them they must depend on the hospitality of those they visit. When they find a house that welcomes them, they should stay there for a while. Preach the Gospel to those who welcome you. Stay put so people know where you are. Friends and enemies.

If someone won't welcome you, walk away. Show your contempt for them by shaking the dust from your feet. In Matthew's version of the story, Jesus even tells them that "it will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgement than for that town."

The very next story in Luke's Gospel is the feeding of the 5,000 You often hear that Jesus fed the multitude. But, the fact is that the Apostles did the actual feeding. He says "Give them some food yourselves." Jesus blesses the loaves and fishes, but the Apostles do the actual distribution. They're learning the extent of their power.

By the end of this chapter of Luke, Jesus and the twelve will have begun the journey to Jerusalem. It won't be long before the future of Jesus' church will rest on the shoulders of the Apostles. The training wheels are about to come off.


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