Monday, September 29, 2003

September 29, 2003

Time really flies. In last Friday’s Gospel, John the Baptist was jumping for joy in Elizabeth’s womb at the presence of the Lord in Mary’s womb. Today we read about John’s death.

John literally lost his head in defense of his beliefs.

Fast forward to the last week of August, 2003. The scene is workmen with heavy equipment hauling the 10 commandments out of the rotunda of the Alabama Supreme Court building and locking them in a secure room where no one can see them, even if they ask. What a difference 2000 years make.

John the Baptist was just one of many thousands of Christians who have given their lives for their faith. And, it still goes on today. There were more Christian martyrs in the 20th Century than there were in the first 19 combined.

I wonder if any of us would have the courage to die for what we believe in? I’m not sure I would. Many of the men in our parish served our country in the military service. That’s certainly putting your life at risk for what you believe in. But, until recently, I think that faith in God and faith in the United States weren’t all that different. But, things have changed.

Today our faith in God is being attacked from every direction. Editorials in the paper equate Christians with some kind of fringe cult. In the controversy over the 7 Commandments, the
argument is that Christians (and Jews) have no right to force our views on everyone else.


That God created everything in the universe, including us, and sent His
only Son to die for our sins isn’t a view. It’s a fact.

That the Rams are going to win the Super Bowl
is a view. That they won it in 2000 is a fact. The fact is that in a Gallop poll taken this week, 77% of those surveyed thought the Commandments should have been left alone.

Our founding fathers came to this country for religious freedom. Today, the courts are trying to twist that freedom into official atheism. And, I wonder, where is the outrage? Why aren’t those 77%
demanding a return to the values that made America what it is today?

There is nothing in the US Constitution about separation of church and state. What it says is that government can’t establish an official religion. Can anybody in their right mind really believe that what we have today is what the founders had in mind?

The 10 Commandments aren’t somebody’s religious opinion. Virtually every society on earth has a belief system that mirrors the 10 commandments. No culture is going to last very long if people are killing one another and stealing from one another. Our system of laws comes from the English common law, which is faith-based.

Not only are most Americans not willing to die for our faith, apparently many aren’t even willing to let people know they’re Catholic.

Have you noticed that you never see people in restaurants making the sign of the cross and saying grace before their meal?
I know Catholics eat out. I even eat twice a week in the cafeteria at St. Joseph’s Hospital and never see anyone praying over their meal. I know there are Catholics there.

How about you? When you’re eating in a restaurant, are you embarrassed to let your fellow diners know that you thank God for your meal? If not, good for you. If so, I guess losing your head is totally out of the question.

If you were here last Friday morning, maybe you remember that I talked about how Luke was telling us that a little girl from a little town was chosen to make a big difference. We can make a difference, too.

I’d like to challenge all of us, myself included. The next time you eat out, bow your head, make the sign of the cross and thank God for the meal. Maybe someone will see you and be encouraged to do the same. If not, at least you will have given them something to think about. Maybe the way to restore our country to it’s former glory is one person at a time.


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