Friday, June 27, 2008

Archbishpo Burke to Leave St. Louis

It was announced today that Archbishop Raymond Burke will be leaving St. Louis soon to take the position of prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura.  The appointment means that for the time being, St. Louis is without a bishop.  The college of consultors will meet in St. Louis this afternoon to choose an interim administrator who will be in charge until the Holy See appoints a replacement for Archbishop Burke.

I personally have very mixed emotions about this event.  On the one hand, St. Louis and the United States are losing an outspoken leader who has never failed to stand up for what is right, regardless of the personal  consequences.  He has gained a national reputation for being a staunch defender of the faith.  He will be missed.

On the other hand, this is an outstanding personal opportunity for Archbishop Burke to serve the Universal Church at the highest level.  He is the second American in recent months who has been appointed to a high Vatican office, showing that the Church does recognize the excellence of some of our American Church leaders.

It's no secret that the Archbishop has been treated poorly by the media in this town, and by many nominal Catholics.  In spite of that, he has expressed a fondness for St. Louis, acknowleging  the faith and loyalty of the majority of Catholics here. 

Time will tell whether his replacement will receive the same shoddy treatment from the local media that he has received.  I hope not.  But if the only way for our shepherd to be popular is to allow abuses in the parishes, heretical clergy, and fringe groups like "womenpriests" to operate here, then we should pray for another "unpopular" leader.

God bless Archbishop Burke as he begins his new assignment and may God be with our local church during this period of transition.


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