The Last Acceptable Prejudice
But, and this is crucial, her attack on Catholicism, and Christianity in general, won't be the cause of her downfall. See, in the United States of America, in the year of our Lord 2007, it's perfectly alright to attack the Catholic Church. Had O'Donnell's comments been directed toward gays, or African-Americans, or Muslims, or any number of other groups, the cries for her firing would be burning up the airwaves and cyberspace. Given some of the comments of the last few days, it seems that even college student/mass murders must be given a certain amount of respect. But Holy Mother Church is fair game.
How long are we going to put up with it? What does it take to make Catholics mad enough to stand up? Enough is enough.
The following editorial "cartoon" appeared in the Philadelphia Enquirer. It looks like Cardinal Rigali has his hands full.

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